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Title: A multisensory multimedia model to support dyslexic children in learning
Authors: Sidhu, M.S.
Manzura, E.
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: Multimedia has benefited many areas in education and users including disable ones. In this paper we proposed a new courseware development model specifically for dyslexic children. The model could be used for developing courwares for dyslexic children. Five essential features are identified to support this model namely interaction, activities, background colour customization, directional for text reading (left-right) identification and detail instructions. A prototype courseware was developed and tested with a small sample size of dyslexic children (selected schools in Malaysia) based on the proposed model. The evaluation showed positive results in terms of performance whereby 60% of the users showed better improvement in their performance, 30% unchanged result and 10% with decrement in performance.
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