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Title: Thermal diffusivity and conductivity of La 0.7Ca 0.3-xSr xMnO 3 (x= 0 to 0.10)
Authors: Alwi, H.A.
Ewe, L.S.
Ibrahim, Z.
Ibrahim, N.B.
Abd-Shukor, R.
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: We report the room temperature thermal conductivity κ and thermal diffusivity α of polycrystalline La 0.7Ca 0.3-xSr xMnO 3 for x = 0 to 0.1. The samples were prepared by heating at 1220 and 1320°C. The insulator-metal transition temperature, T IM and thermal diffusivity increased with Sr content. Phonon was the dominant contributor to thermal conductivity and the electronic contribution was less than 1%. Enhancement of electrical conductivity σ and thermal diffusivity for x ≥ 0.08 was observed in both series of samples. The grain size of the samples (28 to 46 μm) does not show any affect on the thermal and electrical properties. © (2012) Trans Tech Publications.
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