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Title: Exploring EKC, trends of growth patterns and air pollutants concentration level in Malaysia: A Nemerow Index Approach
Authors: Bekhet, H.A.
Yasmin, T.
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: The present study examines an Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis by analyzing annual data of air pollutants concentartion and per capita GDP as economic indicator over the (1996-2010) period in Malaysia. Nemerow Index Approach (I) used to generate a measures of air pollution. The results show that ambient air quality indicators supports the EKC hypothesis which stated that pollution levels increase as a country develops, but begin to decrease as rising incomes pass beyond a turning poin. Also, the I result is justifying that most pollutants are showing value less than 1. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Appears in Collections:COGS Scholarly Publication

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