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dc.contributor.authorNazri, M.A.A.
dc.contributor.authorAbustan, I.
dc.contributor.authorRahman, M.T.A.
dc.contributor.authorZawawi, M.H.
dc.contributor.authorDor, N.
dc.description.abstractIn the midst of increasing demand of water for competing uses, it is difficult to meet the entire demand from a single source and it is a challenge to plan and manage the different water resources. Among the two major water resources, surface-groundwater interactions are required for enhanced water resource management in an irrigation canal of the Kerian Scheme. Seepage losses occurred from the irrigation is one of the gain/loss sources for the surface-groundwater. The current study aims to find the hidden shallow aquifer, determine the water gain/loss in an irrigation system, and classify the hydraulic interconnection among aquifer systems using geophysical, water balance, and stable isotope approaches. Resistivity image profiling (RIP) is conducted at six points in the study area due to commonly used for identifying the depth of the shallow aquifer layer and the results are compared against borehole drilling data. Surface-groundwater gain/loss in an irrigation system is a main component for providing the interaction between surface-groundwater and contributes to better water resources management and planning. The stable isotopes approaches is use to trace water movement in hydrology interconnection especially surface-groundwater, is an important task in the environmental field. Thus, the results plotted for both water samples from Kerian Canal and groundwater are linearly similar to those in the Global Meteoric Water Line and the Malaysian Meteoric Water Line which are revealed to come from evaporated samples and this indicates that there is a connection between the surface-groundwater in the canal system. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
dc.titleAuthentication relation between surface-groundwater in kerian irrigation canal system, perak using integrated geophysical, water balance and isotope method
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
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