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Title: Design of outer rotor single phase squirrel cage induction motor
Authors: Mohammed, K.G.
Ramli, A.Q.
Ungku Amirulddin, U.A.
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: This paper introduces the design of an outer rotor single phase squirrel cage induction motor (ORSPSCIM) which is basically a single phase induction motor turned inside out. Due to the similarities in working principle, the ORSPSCIM design is derived from the study of conventional single phase and three phase induction machines. Practical experience is also considered in the design. The equivalent circuit parameters of the ORSPSCIM and the losses in the machine will also be calculated and presented in this paper. It was found that the efficiency of the newly design machine is higher compared to the efficiency of a conventional single phase squirrel cage induction motor having the same specifications. The new design was also found to employ the use of less iron and copper materials. © 2012 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved.
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