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Title: Hydrology Analysis and Modelling for Klang River Basin Flood Hazard Map
Authors: Sidek, L.M.
Rostam, N.E.
Hidayah, B.
Roseli, Z.A.
Majid, W.H.A.W.A.
Zahari, N.Z.
Salleh, S.H.M.
Ahmad, R.D.R.
Ahmad, M.N.
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: Flooding, a common environmental hazard worldwide has in recent times, increased as a result of climate change and urbanization with the effects felt more in developing countries. As a result, the explosive of flooding to Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) substation is increased rapidly due to existing substations are located in flood prone area. By understanding the impact of flood to their substation, TNB has provided the non-structure mitigation with the integration of Flood Hazard Map with their substation. Hydrology analysis is the important part in providing runoff as the input for the hydraulic part.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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