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dc.contributor.authorRashag, H.F.
dc.contributor.authorKoh, S.P.
dc.contributor.authorChong, K.H.
dc.contributor.authorTiong, S.K.
dc.contributor.authorTan, N.M.L.
dc.contributor.authorAbdalla, A.N.
dc.description.abstractVarious aspects related to controlling induction motor are investigated. Direct torque control is an original high performance control strategy in the field of AC drive. In this proposed method, the control system is based on Space Vector Modulation (SVM), amplitude of voltage in direct- quadrature reference frame (d-q reference) and angle of stator flux. Amplitude of stator voltage is controlled by PI torque and PI flux controller. The stator flux angle is adjusted by rotor angular frequency and slip angular frequency. Then, the reference torque and the estimated torque is applied to the input of PI torque controller and the control quadrature axis voltage is determined. The control d-axis voltage is determined from the flux calculator. These q and d axis voltage are converted into amplitude voltage. By applying polar to Cartesian on amplitude voltage and stator flux angle, direct voltage and quadratures voltage are generated. The reference stator voltages in d-q are calculated based on forcing the stator voltage error to zero at next sampling period. By applying inverse park transformation on d-q voltages, the stator voltages in α and β frame are generated and apply to SVM. From the output of SVM, the motor control signal is generated and the speed of the induction motor regulated toward the rated speed. The simulation Results have demonstrated exceptional performance in steadand transient states and shows that decrease of torque and flux ripples is achieved in a complete speed range. © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2013.
dc.titleHigh performance of space vector modulation direct torque control SVM-DTC based on amplitude voltage and stator flux angle
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
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