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Title: Stitch bond strength study in insulated Cu wire bonding
Authors: Leong, H.Y.
Yap, B.K.
Khan, N.
Ibrahim, M.R.
Tan, L.C.
Faiz, M.
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: The market demands for higher pin counts and more chips functionality pose challenges in conventional wire bonding. However, insulated Cu wire technology enables fine and ultra-fine pitch wire bonding as the insulator coating on the bare wire prevents wires shorting problem. This paper presents the study on the stitch-bonding process optimisation and its challenges for the insulated Cu wire with a diameter of 20 μm. Insulated Cu stitch bond samples show 37% lower stitch pull strength than that of bare Cu. The cross-sectioned insulated Cu stitch bond shows that there is an insulation residue between the Cu stitch and the Au-plated substrate, potentially resulting in lower stitch pull performance. However, after isothermal aging at 225°C for up to 78 hours, the stitch pull results for insulated Cu wire passed the industry reliability standard, without any lifted bond. A detailed comparison study was performed for the insulated Cu and the bare Cu stitch bonding. © 2014 W. S. Maney & Son Ltd.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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