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Title: Effect of Attritor Milling on Synthesis and Sintering of Forsterite Ceramics
Authors: Tan, Y.M.
Tan, C.Y.
Ramesh, S.
Teh, Y.C.
Wong, Y.H.
Yap, B.K.
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: Forsterite (Mg2SiO4) was chosen as a new candidate for bone implant application because of its superior fracture toughness and good bioactivity. However, synthesizing pure forsterite has been a challenge to many researchers because of its inability to eliminate secondary phases that have similar chemical compounds as forsterite. Attritor mill was introduced to form pure forsterite via solid-state method through the reaction between magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) and talc (Mg3Si4(OH)2). Attritor-milled samples showed superior mechanical properties compared with ball-milled samples because of the smaller particle size of the former which in turn eliminated the secondary phases at low sintering temperature. © 2016 The American Ceramic Society
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