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Title: The Half-t adaptive error correction algorithm for SDH-based WDM optical networks
Authors: Cheah, C.L.
Abdullah, M.K.
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: This paper proposes an adaptive forward error correction (FEC) algorithm, referred to as the Haft-t algorithm for synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) based wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical networks. Unlike most previous adaptive FEC algorithms which change to a stronger code for error correction based on either packet losses or erroneous condition, the Half-t algorithm is able to do so before an error occurs. Simulation results show that the Haft-t algorithm can maintain the output bit error rate (BER) below a target BER by assigning an appropriate value of waiting delay before changing to a weaker code. ©2007 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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