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dc.contributor.authorEl-Shayeb, M.-
dc.contributor.authorYusoff, M.Z.-
dc.contributor.authorBoosroh, M.H.-
dc.contributor.authorBondok, A.-
dc.contributor.authorIderis, F.-
dc.contributor.authorHassan, S.H.A.-
dc.description.abstractA nuclear reactor structure under abnormal operations of near meltdown will be exposed to a tremendous amount of heat flux in addition to the stress field applied under normal operation. Temperature encountered in such case is assumed to be beyond 1000°C. A mathematical model has been developed for the fire resistance calculation of a concrete-filled square steel column with respect to its temperature history. Effects due to nuclear radiation and mechanical vibrations will be explored in a later future model. The temperature rise in each element can be derived from its heat balance by applying the parabolic unsteady state, partial differential equation and numerical solution into the steel region. Calculation of the temperature of the elementary regions needs to satisfy the symmetry conditions and the relevant material properties. The developed mathematical model is capable to predict the temperature history in the column and on the surface with respect to time.-
dc.titleSafety of nuclear reactors part A: Unsteady state temperature history mathematical model-
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication
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