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Title: Review on mobile workforce management system for electricity supply industries
Authors: Salleh, F.H.M.
Cob, Z.C.
Shanmugam, M.
Salbiah, S.
Shariff, M.
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: Mobile Workforce Management System (MWMS) is seen to be used to a great extent by many electricity utilities around the world. MWMS is particularly useful for these utilities as more than two-thirds of their workforce are mobile and would need a centralized control system to function efficiently. This paper presents an overview of the electricity utilities that implement and use MWMS. The discussions include background of the projects, project descriptions, and benefits of the projects. We present a table that summarizes all our findings and provide the discussion on the trend of the applications, hardware, functions covered and potential future applications. A few discussions on how to improve the existing systems, particularly incorporation of Knowledge Management (KM) is also presented in this paper. It is a hope that our findings can provide some basic ideas for other researchers to go further in MWMS research area, particularly in its adoption to Electricity Supply Industry (ESI). © 2009 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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