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Title: Voltage collapse risk index prediction for real time system's security monitoring
Authors: Aminudin, N.
Rahman, T.K.A.
Razali, N.M.M.
Marsadek, M.
Ramli, N.M.
Yassin, M.I.
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Risk based security assessment (RBSA) for power system security deals with the impact and probability of uncertainty to occur in the power system. In this study, the risk of voltage collapse is measured by considering the L-index as the impact of voltage collapse while Poisson probability density function is used to model the probability of transmission line outage. The prediction of voltage collapse risk index in real time requires precise, reliable and short processing time. To facilitate this analysis, Artificial Intelligent using Generalize Regression Neural Network (GRNN) technique is proposed where the spread value is determined using Cuckoo Search (CS) optimization method. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, the performance of GRNN with optimized spread value obtained using CS is compared with heuristic approach. © 2015 IEEE.
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