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dc.contributor.authorNg, K.C.-
dc.contributor.authorHwang, Y.H.-
dc.contributor.authorSheu, T.W.H.-
dc.contributor.authorYusoff, M.Z.-
dc.description.abstractRecently, there is a rising interest in simulating fluid flow by using particle methods, which are mesh-free. However, the viscous stresses (or diffusion term) appeared in fluid flow governing equations are commonly expressed as the second-order derivatives of flow velocities, which are usually discretized by an inconsistent numerical approach in a particle-based method. In this work, a consistent method in discretizing the diffusion term is implemented in our particle-based fluid flow solver (namely the Moving Particle Pressure Mesh (MPPM) method). The new solver is then used to solve a multiphase Poiseuille flow problem. The error is decreasing while the grid is refined, showing the consistency of our current numerical implementation. © 2015, Penerbit UTM Press. All rights reserved.-
dc.titleA numerically consistent multiphase poiseuille flow computation by a new particle method-
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication
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