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Title: Smart grid: Network simulator for smart grid test-bed
Authors: Lai, L.C.
Ong, H.S.
Che, Y.X.
Do, N.Q.
Ong, X.J.
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Smart Grid become more popular, a smaller scale of smart grid test-bed is set up at UNITEN to investigate the performance and to find out future enhancement of smart grid in Malaysia. The fundamental requirement in this project is design a network with low delay, no packet drop and with high data rate. Different type of traffic has its own characteristic and is suitable for different type of network and requirement. However no one understands the natural of traffic in smart grid. This paper presents the comparison between different types of traffic to find out the most suitable traffic for the optimal network performance. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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