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Title: Synthesis and characterization of different transition metal-alginate based heterogeneous catalyst for esterification reaction
Authors: Pua, F.-L.
Looi, K.-T.
Shamala Gowri, K.
Sharifah, N.
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: In recent years, attention has been drawn to produce heterogeneous catalyst to replace homogeneous catalyst in biodiesel industry. This study was focused on the synthesis of three different types of alginate based heterogeneous catalyst (Ferric-alginate, Copper-alginate, and Nickel alginate) and the effect of the catalyst on esterification of oleic acid. Morphology and elemental analysis was conducted to investigate the properties of the catalyst. The new heterogeneous catalysts were used to catalyze the esterification of oleic acid at reaction temperature of 60°C and 2 hours reaction time. Fe-alginate has achieved the highest free fatty acids (FFAs) conversation rate of 82.03%. The results and findings proved that transition metal-alginate heterogeneous catalyst has the potential and ability to esterify the free fatty acids prior biodiesel production from high free fatty acids feedstock. © 2016 Trans Tech Publications.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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