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Title: Measurement and estimation of electric field emission of a vacuum cleaner
Authors: Alkahtani, A.A.
Nordin, F.H.
Sharrif, Z.A.M.
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Electric field emission of electrical appliances has become an important problem, especially when testing for safety and compliance with regulations of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). To confirm the safety and compliance of an electrical appliance, it is important to measure the levels of the emitted electric and magnetic fields from this appliance and compare them to the exposure limit values set by the international standards. Moreover, modeling these emitted fields can aid understanding their characteristics and ease investigating how different systems react to such emission. However, a good model depends mainly on the accuracy and robustness of the measurement methodology. Hence, the aim of this paper is to present a measurement methodology and a frequency domain model for the emitted electric field of vacuum cleaners using system identification tools. The proposed model is a data-driven model where the recorded signal is used to construct the model using polynomial model estimation methods. Measurement setup, related work and the model equation are presented accordingly. © 2013 IEEE.
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