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Title: The Implementation of key course concept in the evaluation of BEEE programme in UNITEN
Authors: Nordin, F.H.
Hamid, F.A.
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: Outcomes based education (OBE) has been implemented in UNITEN for 10 years since year 2006. Great efforts have been done in the formulation of the various levels of outcomes as well as the measurement of the attainments of the outcomes over the years. The process of evaluating the programme level Programme Outcomes (POs), in particular, has undergone significant changes as part of the CQI (Continual Quality Improvement) process in OBE. This paper presents an improved method of PO attainment using the Key Course concept in the Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (BEEE) programme. Results show that the PO attainment correlates with attainment at students and course levels. © 2016 IEEE.
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