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Title: A review of recent usability measures in English Language Teaching (ELT) technologies
Authors: Cheng, L.K.
Puteh, F.
Selamat, A.
Mohamed, F.B.
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: English Language Teaching (ELT) and content delivery have undergone vast shift in this era of modernization. With analogue content digitized as a common form of knowledge delivery, methodologies equipped with current technologies have produced new perspectives on English Language Learning. Emerging technologies in ELT has also inspires the other spectrum of study involving the usability of technological interfaces, which has evolved constantly with the progression of human and computer interactivity. The aim of this research is to rediscover usability evolution surrounding the technologies in ELT and to redefine the gap existed in between English learning and tools interactivity. This paper reviews the status, context, usability parameters, techniques and strategies in the current research capacity of ELT. Current technologies and usability measures used in ELT will be discussed, highlighting the current trends in gauging interface interaction. A summary of comparative results in the aforementioned works will also be highlighted in this review paper, together with the categorization of reviewed usability methods and techniques in ELT. © 2015 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:CCI Scholarly Publication

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