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Title: True height description of equatorial F-layer over Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Malaysia
Authors: Rhazali, Z.A.
Zain, A.F.M.
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: Digisonde ionograms recorded at Parit Raja, Malaysia (Lat. 1°52′N, Long. 103°48′E, Magnetic dip 14.3°) have been used to study the variations of ionospheric F-layer true height density peak (h max). Hourly and daily patterns of h max as deduced from January 2005 ionograms were analysed and studied to determine the actual F-layer peak height over Malaysia. Initial observations revealed that typical height of equatorial F-layer peak was slightly higher compared to other higher latitude regions. The altitude was found to be around 550±50 km during daytime and 300 km from midnight till pre-sunrise hours. © 2011 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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