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dc.contributor.authorRazali, N.M.-
dc.contributor.authorRamachandaramurthy, V.K.-
dc.contributor.authorMukerjee, R.N.-
dc.description.abstractSTATCOM is primarily employed to manage reactive power at crucial locations in power system. Earlier studies have indicated the feasibility of equipping STATCOM with a supplementary controller to act as a damper for power swings. The paper outlines a STATCOM controller model and residue-based tuning method for its supplementary controller. The paper also demonstrates the performance of the developed model in suppressing observable and controllable modes of electromechanical oscillations in a 2-area power system.-
dc.titleCase studies on suppression of multimodal electromechanical oscillations by statcom's supplementary controller-
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication
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