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Title: A review of factors that influenced online trust in social commerce
Authors: Noor, A.D.
Sulaiman, R.
Bakar, A.A.
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: The recent advancements in social media and electronic commerce have produced a new business model called social commerce. This new business model has facilitated online business transactions via social media. Despite the advancement of technology, the issue of online trust has increased in social commerce. The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors that influence online trust in social commerce. Seven models related to online trust in electronic commerce, electronic business, and social commerce were reviewed and analyzed. This has resulted in identifying six factors, which are usefulness, ease of use, security, privacy, website design, and electronic word of mouth; as the most influential factors that influence online trust in social commerce. Discussion and direction of future work are pointed out in this paper. © 2014 IEEE.
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