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Title: Developed cluster of SVC installation in power system network via hybrid meta-heuristic method
Authors: Jumaat, S.A.
Musirin, I.
Othman, M.M.
Mokhlis, H.
Rahmat, N.A.
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: This paper introduces a new approach of meta-heuristic based method for clustering the optimal location of SVC installation in power system. The algorithm is based on evolutionary particle swarm optimization (EPSO) technique with the objective to minimize the transmission loss in power system. With the formation of cluster decision can be made by power system operators to perform power compensation scheme considering selected loading conditions and loaded buses. Experiments were performed on the IEEE 30-bus RTS to realize the effectiveness of the proposed method. Comparison with respect to conventional PSO was conducted which eventually resulted superiority in terms of loss minimization. © 2013 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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