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Title: Differential Evolution Immunized Ant Colony Optimization (DEIANT) technique in solving economic emission dispatch
Authors: Rahmat, N.A.
Musirin, I.
Abidin, A.F.
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: Emission dispatch is a topic that discusses on the discharge of polluting substance by fossil-fuelled generators. The arising concerns towards environmental quality arouse new trend in power flow studies. Emission dispatch has become a vital consideration during load dispatch scheduling and the power utilities are urged to reduce the pollutant volume to the least. Numerous approaches have been employed to solve emission dispatch. This research highlights the implementation of Differential Evolution Immunized Ant Colony Optimization (DEIANT) technique in solving economic emission dispatch. DEIANT algorithm was compared with several approaches including the conventional method, PSO, and ACO algorithm in order to verify the performance of the algorithm. To apprehend the effectiveness of the new algorithm, IEEE 30-Bus Reliable Test System (RTS) was utilized as the sample. The obtained results revealed that DEIANT is more superior to the traditional method, PSO, and ACO, and effectively minimize the emission level. © 2013 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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