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Title: Stress treatment: The effectiveness between guided and non-guided virtual reality setup
Authors: Zainudin, A.R.R.
Yusof, A.M.
Rusli, M.E.
Yusof, M.Z.M.
Mahalil, I.
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: This paper shares an author's findings on the effectiveness between guided and non-guided virtual reality setups during stress treatment. In the first setup, users are guided so that their virtual navigations are automatically controlled by a computer. On the other hand, in the second setup, users are allowed to move freely within a pre-set boundary. Findings obtained from this study, will be used for stress treatments' in future references toward establishing an effective treatment setup. Twelve random users participated in this guided setup and the same number of other users participated in the non-guided treatment setup. © 2014 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:CCI Scholarly Publication

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