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Title: Analog Network Coding for chain topology in non-mutual transmission
Authors: Saleh, V.
Rusli, M.E.
Ahmed, S.K.
Mohamad, H.
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: In this paper we formulate Network Coding (NC) and Analog Network Coding (ANC) using analytical models to quantify ANC performance parameters. For this reason, a chain topology in a non-mutual transmission was investigated. Our formulations demonstrate the benefit of NC and ANC over traditional approaches which depend on the number of transmission packets and the number of timeslots required for packets transmission in broadcasting scenarios. The advantage of this analytical approach is independence with respect to running a network simulation in order to evaluate the effect of the network coding schemes on the networks before proceeding to design or system simulation. The result shows ANC can improve capacity in the chain network as much as 50%. © 2014 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:CCI Scholarly Publication

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