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dc.contributor.authorJeffrey, K.J.T.
dc.contributor.authorTarlochan, F.
dc.contributor.authorRahman, M.M.
dc.description.abstractThe residual strength of chopped strand mat glass fibre/epoxy composites following exposure to different hygrothermal conditions was investigated. All residual tests were carried out according to ASTM D 3479 and D 3039 on tension-tension fatigue with a frequency of 5 Hz, a stress ratio of R= 0.5and maximum stress σmax = 60 MPa. The residual strength curves were used to investigate the strength of chopped strand mat glass fibre/epoxy under the effect of temperature and the interactive environment of water absorption and temperature. The results showed that the chopped strand mat glass fibre/epoxy had high resistance toward tension-tension fatigue loading. However, the degradation of the tensile residual strength of chopped strand mat glass fibre/epoxy was significant with high water absorption at an elevated temperature. © Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
dc.titleResidual strength of chopped strand mat glass fibre/epoxy composite structures: Effect of temperature and water absorption
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
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