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Title: Estimates of phenotypic and genetic parameters of some measures of efficiency of milk production in buffaloes
Authors: Bhalaru, S.S.
Dhillon, J.S.
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: The least-squares means for first lactation milk yield, yield per 100 kg of body weight at first calving, yield per day of first lactation length, yield per day of first calving interval and yield per day of age at second calving were 1692 + 28-2, 339-8 � 7-30, 5-51 �. 0-97, 3-37 � 0-81 and 1-07 � 0-03 kg and the heritabilities of those traits were 0-192 � 0-086, 0-078 + 0-078, 0-287 + 0-096, 0-192 �0-086 and 0-305 �0-097 respectively. The genetic correlations of first lactation milk yield with various measures of efficiency of milk production (except with yield per 100 kg of body weight) were positive and high (< 0-80). These results indicate that milk yield per day of age at second calving may be used for the selection of buffaloes. © 1978, Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved.
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