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Title: MTA versus biodentine: Review of literature with a comparative analysis
Authors: Kaur, M.
Singh, H.
Dhillon, J.S.
Batra, M.
Saini, M.
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: An ideal dental repair material should possess certain exclusive properties such as adequate adhesive ability, insolubility, dimensional stability, biocompatibility, bioactivity etc. New materials claiming better performance are continuously being introduced in the market to optimize the care of dental patients. Biodentine has been recently introduced as the “the first all-in-one, bioactive and biocompatible material for damaged dentin replacement”. Manufacturers claim that Biodentine has noticeably shorter setting time in contrast to other silicate cements such as Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) and also has better mechanical and handling properties.This article is aimed to compare the properties of MTA and Biodentine analyzing the research work done in this field so far by various researchers all across the globe. © 2017, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. All rights reserved.
Appears in Collections:CCI Scholarly Publication

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