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Title: Control of flexural waves on a beam using a vibration neutraliser: Effects of different attachment configurations
Authors: Salleh, H.
Brennan, M.J.
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: The control of flexural wave motion on a beam using a vibration neutraliser is the subject of this paper. A vibration neutraliser will generally suppress a flexural wave significantly over a narrow frequency band. Although many machines operate at a nominal single frequency, very often there is drift in this frequency. Thus, there is a need for a wide-band vibration neutraliser to attenuate vibration over a reasonably wide frequency range. This paper investigates whether there is any merit in using a particular configuration of neutraliser for such a purpose. The investigation includes a study into the effects of attaching the neutraliser to the beam in different ways. Simple analytical models are developed to aid physical interpretation and facilitate design procedure. Experimental results are also presented to validate the theory. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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