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Title: Simulation of an energy harvesting circuit for low power application
Authors: Bin Mohd Resali, M.S.
Salleh, H.
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: One of the challenges in harvesting energy from ambient is to convert and store the usable power effectively. In this context, there is a need to understand and design an efficient energy harvesting power management circuitry. In view of the issues, this paper focuses on the simulation of an energy harvesting circuit for low power application. The circuit consists of a full-bridge AC-DC rectifier as target for the power input Pin more than 10mW, energy storage super capacitor by using switch-mode charge capacitor method, comparator or voltage multiplier circuit as to let the storage capacitor to store at the enough power before supply it to the load circuit and micro-power step-down regulator with a single supply voltage in the range of 3.2-34 V. ©2010 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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