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Title: Multi-objective biological mimicry optimization algorithm for WSN sensor node placement
Authors: Abidin, H.Z.
Din, N.M.
Radzi, N.A.M.
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: An optimum sensor nodes arrangement in a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) would be able to provide a WSN with maximum coverage, minimum energy consumption and guaranteed connectivity. A sensor node placement algorithm called Multi-objective Territorial Predator Scent Marking Algorithm (MOTPSMA) that imitates the behavior of territorial predators in marking their territories with their odours is introduced in this paper. The MOTPSMA deployed in this paper uses the minimum uncovered area and minimum energy consumption as the objective functions subject to full connectivity constraint. The performance of the proposed technique is then compared with an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) algorithm in terms of coverage ratio, connectivity and energy consumption. Simulation results show that the WSN deployed with the proposed sensor node placement scheme provides better performance with larger coverage ratio, full connectivity and lower energy consumption. © 2014 IEEE.
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