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Title: Performance evaluation of video transmission over ultrawideband WPAN
Authors: Aripin, N.M.
Fisal, N.
Rashid, R.A.
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: Over the past few decades, unprecedented growth in wireless communications, networking and video-coding technologies have stimulate numerous applications such as video on demand and interactive video telephony. Ultrawideband technology (UWB) which offers high data rate with low transmit power, becomes a very promising wireless platform for video transmission. Recently, Cognitive Radio (CR) technology was introduced to fully utilized spectrum usage by sensing the spectral environment and use this information to opportunistically provide wireless links that meet the user communications requirements optimally. It is obvious that achieving more reliable and efficient multimedia communication over wirelesss UWB channel requires a cross design approach due to tight dependency among protocol layers. In this paper, proposed cross layer framework of video transmission over CRUWB will be presented. Then, a simulation study is carried out to evaluate the effect of resource allocation at the MAC layer to the video quality perceived at the receiver. © 2009 IEEE.
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