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Title: Secured network authentication using biometrics application
Authors: Laili, M.H.
Jamaludin, M.Z.
Din, N.Md.
Said, N.H.M.
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: The inadequacy of password security have lured individuals to search for an alternative way to secure their online Intellectual Properties. In addition, the increase in hacking activities also contribute to the search of new and more advance technology in securing network systems. Passwords consist of strings, numbers and even signs. As alternatives, biometrics can replace passwords, offering a different set of verification parameters. This paper describes a study to create a secured access system for online transactions using fingerprints for authorization. The password is replaced by an algorithm that represent the fingerprint pattern of the authorizer. The verification of the fingerprint will be done by a fingerprint reader and is compared with the image that is stored in a server. After it is verified, the user will enter the encrypted CD-ROM that contains a Digital Certificate. © 2002 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:COGS Scholarly Publication

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