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Title: Inpat: An intelligent network performance analysis tool
Authors: Bin Abdul Aziz, M.S.
Ishak, Z.
Din, N.M.
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: This paper presents the development of an intelligent network performance analysis tool (INPAT) that complements an existing network simulator toolkit. INPAT has the capability of doing network performance evaluation using a fuzzy logic decision making scheme. INPAT can be beneficial to many people inclusive of students, who are interested in network performance analysis. It provides a technique for further advancement in the network management area. MATLAB's Fuzzy Logic Toolbox is used to develop the fuzzy logic engine for data analysis. TCL/TK programming language is used to embed the fuzzy logic engine and data processing program within a single GUI for easy use. Potentially this project will realize the idea of network performance analysis by just a click of a mouse.
Appears in Collections:COGS Scholarly Publication

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