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Title: RFID and ZigBee integrated environment for indoor localization
Authors: Keong, N.Y.
Chieh, K.S.
Burhan, M.F.
Balasubramaniam, N.
Din, N.M.
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Indoor localization is vastly deployed for tracking the position and movement of objects and humans within an enclosed area. Poliferation of wireless technologies has further foster the deployment of indoor localization system in various field. This paper proposes RFID and ZigBee integrated environment for indoor localization system. K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm is adapted to predict the location of a user in an indoor environment. The accuracy of the indoor location sensing is investigated. Results of the RFID deployment in the research work is presented in this paper. © 2014 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:COGS Scholarly Publication

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