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Title: A modified packet marking algorithm to improve bandwidth fairness in Diffserv networks
Authors: Altalhi, A.H.
Azmi, M.S.B.M.
Al-Kharasani, A.M.
Ali, S.A.
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: DiffServ routers provide Per Hop Behaviors to aggregate traffic for different services levels. An unfairness problem occurs in DiffServ networks, however: fairness deteriorate as the number of aggregates increases in the network. Researchers have thus, created various algorithms to overcome fairness deterioration. This article studies a packet marker based on a Time Sliding Window (TSW) and proposes a new hybrid marker algorithm to improve bandwidth fairness on DiffServ networks by providing a proportional fair share of excess network bandwidth among TCP aggregates. The simulation experiments have compared the new hybrid marker algorithm to various algorithms using NS-2. The results show that the proposed hybrid marker is sensitive not only to the number of flows in the aggregate but also to the number of aggregates in the network. © 2012 Academic Journals Inc.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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