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Title: The effect of silane coupling agent on mechanical properties of feldspar filled polypropylene composites
Authors: Ansari, M.N.M.
Ismail, H.
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: The effect of silane coupling agent, 3-(aminopropyl) triethoxy silane (3-APE) on mechanical properties of feldspar filled polypropylene (PP) composites was investigated. Silane treated feldspar filled polypropylene composites were prepared using a Polydrive Thermo Haake internal melt mixer. The tensile strength, elongation at break, Youngĝ€™s modulus, and impact strength were found to be increased in silane treated composites. The improvement in tensile strength and elongation at break was due to enhancement of the interfacial adhesion between feldspar and PP matrix. FTIR spectra analyses were performed on the untreated feldspar/PP composites and the silane treated feldspar filled PP composites to study the interaction between the polypropylene -(C-H2), feldspar (-OH) group and the amino functional group of silane. © 2009 SAGE Publications.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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