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Title: Effect of cutting parameters on the surface roughness of MWCNT reinforced epoxy composite using end-milling process
Authors: Harii Krishna Rao, G.
Ansari, M.N.M.
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: This research reports the study on effect of cutting parameters using CNC Milling to obtain quality surface finish that is specified by customer for machined composite parts. In this research, an attempt has been made to study the effects of cutting parameter that influence the surface roughness quality. This research becomes part of major contribution for the manufacturing industry especially machining of MWCNT/epoxy composite materials using CNC milling process. Interestingly, this project can be regarded as an exclusive work because the information's and solutions achieved at the end of this research will be significant and can be implemented in future demanding CNC industries especially in carbon nanotube/ epoxy composites applications and also to future researches.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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