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Title: Review on the Effects of Process Parameters on Strength, Shrinkage, and Warpage of Injection Molding Plastic Component
Authors: Mohan, M.
Ansari, M.N.M.
Shanks, R.A.
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: Injection molding process causes differences between designed shape and real parts, all of them associated to shrinkage and warpage phenomena. Temperature, pressure distribution, and other injection parameters during molding process originate local shrinkage and the internal stresses depending on the relative stiffness of each part area. The aim of this work is to review and report the influence of injection molding process parameters on the postmolded strength, shrinkage, and warpage of injection molded parts. It is also to investigate the influence of injection molding process parameters on the postmolding shrinkage and warping of parts made of polypropylenes. © 2017, Copyright © Taylor & Francis.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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