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Title: Effect of halloysite nanotubes loading on thermo-mechanical and morphological properties of polyurethane nanocomposites
Authors: Gaaz, T.S.
Sulong, A.B.
Ansari, M.N.M.
Kadhum, A.A.H.
Al-Amiery, A.A.
Al-Furjan, M.S.H.
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: Halloysite-(0.1,, 1.5, 2.0 wt%) polyurethane (PU-HNT) nanocomposites were synthesised. Mechanical, thermal, water absorption and morphological properties of PU and its relevant PU-HNT nanocomposites were studied. Scanning electron microscope images of PU and PU-HNT-fractured surfaces show cracks and agglomeration at 1·0 wt.% HNT. The thermomechanical properties of the PU-HNT nanocomposites have improved up to 1·0 wt.% HNT; however, they were adversely affected by more HNT loading. Despite this reduction, the mechanical properties are still better than that of neat PU. The mechanical strength increased as HNT content was up to 1·0 wt.%. Tensile, flexural, and impact strength of the PU-HNT nanocomposite were found to be 11·78 MPa, 128·15 MPa, and 5·57 × 103 J mm−2, respectively, at 1·0 wt.% HNT. Thermal studies showed that thermal stability and crystallisation temperature of the PU-HNT nanocomposite increased compared to that of PU. The loss modulus curves showed that pure PU crystallises at 126°C and at 129 for PU -0·1 wt.% of HNT. PU-TGA rises with increasing loading from 0·1 to 2·0 wt.%. The water absorption of the PU-HNT nanocomposite has shown moisture in PU-2·0 nanocomposite in 21-day treatment. © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
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