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Title: Development of 1-inch boiler tube inspection robot
Authors: Shah, M.A.A.
Sahari, K.S.M.
Jalal, M.F.A.
Anuar, A.
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Usage of robotic technology in power industry applications is gaining a lot of interest. Current method of using borescope for inspection by Tenaga Nasional Berhad, the main electricity utility company in Malaysia has several limitations. The usage and development of inspection robot should be expanded to overcome the limitations. Thus, this paper presents the design and development of a small boiler tube inspection robot that is capable of operating in boiler tube with nominal diameter of 1 inch and capable to move in 90° elbow tube. The developed prototype consists of two modules; one for the camera to perform visual inspection and one for the locomotion. Magnetic wheels are adopted to allow vertical movement inside the pipes. Analysis had been done before fabrication and assembly. The final dimensions for the developed inspection robot are 70mm in length, 15mm in height 21mm in width. The total weight of inspection robot is 18g. Different types of tests have been conducted to test the developed prototype. The results obtained show that the inspection robot is fully functional and met the objectives. The prototype is able to move horizontally and vertically steadily. It is also capable to move in 90° elbow tube. More flexible wiring and locking system for magnetic wheel should be developed for future improvements. © 2015 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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