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dc.contributor.authorIsa, A.M.
dc.contributor.authorNiimura, T.
dc.contributor.authorYokoyama, R.
dc.description.abstractThis paper proposes a multiple-criteria approach to transmission congestion management in a deregulated power system. Congestion in a transmission system can result in very high locational prices of electricity determined by marginal costs from optimal power flow solutions under the pool model. In heavily congested conditions, physical transmission congestion can be relieved by curtailing a small portion of the non-firm transactions. The resultant marginal-cost-based electricity prices should drastically decrease. Multicriteria performance indices are introduced so that both load and supplier can express their levels of acceptance with the congestion management process, and the system operator can select the most effective and desirable congestion relief measures. The proposed approach is tested on a modified IEEE 30 bus system. © 2008 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.
dc.titleMulticriteria transmission congestion management by load curtailment and generation redispatch in a deregulated power system
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
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