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Title: Multiple symbol differential detection for differential cyclic delay diversity system in slow frequency selective fading channel
Authors: Hashim, W.
Ramli, N.
Yaacob, A.
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: The paper details the implementation of multiple-symbols differential detection (MSDD) to differential cyclic delay diversity (DCDD) system. It is suggested that MSDD offers a better performance compared to normal differential detection. The implementation incorporates the modification of standard DCDD receiver to accommodate MSDD technique. Investigations were carried out involving comparison of performance between DCDD and MSDD-DCDD. It was found that there is a marginal improvement of 0.5 dB in MSDD-DCDD compared to normal DCDD. A thorough analysis on the detection algorithm is described in this paper which results in generic detection algorithm for any number of observation symbols. In addition, the impact of cyclic delays is also investigated. ©2011 IEEE.
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