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Title: Effects of impulsive noise on Fourier based OFDM and wavelet based OFDM
Authors: Abdullah, K.
Ismail, A.F.
Islam, Md.R.
Hashim, W.
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: The performance study on wavelet based OFDM and Fourier based OFDM with the focus on impulse noise effects is demonstrated. The models of the inverse and forward transforms are also constructed to show the OFDM system process. The BER performances in three scenarios when varying the Poisson recurrence parameter a from small to large are obtained. It is assumed that the wavelet based OFDM has orthonormal bases and perfect reconstruction properties. The results show that a large value of a limits the impact of impulsive noise on the system. BER performances for both OFDM platforms are also included with respect to the effects of impulsive noises. © 2011 Universitas Indonesia.
Appears in Collections:CCI Scholarly Publication

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