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Title: Performance prediction of future V-band Earth-space link in the tropics
Authors: Ismail, A.F.
Saad, N.W.Md.
Badron, K.
Hashim, W.
Abdullah, K.
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: Higher capacity systems demand for increased of bandwidths. Higher bandwidth can be achieved by means of increasing the frequency, and hence greater the capacity of a channel to carry information. The Ka-band satellite rollouts in the tropics are still growing. However, the higher frequencies such as V-band do present a more substantial potential for increased system capacity and are now starting to draw attention. Although the bandwidths are theoretically higher at V-band links, there are many aspects that are harder to achieve than of those of at lower frequencies. V-band frequencies certainly have higher RF losses, higher atmospheric propagation losses and certainly much higher losses due to precipitation. While the required V-band technological advancements are being pursued, it is would be in the interest of the satellite designers and engineers alike to evaluate the viability of such links especially in the tropics where heavy rains are copious. © 2012 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:CCI Scholarly Publication

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