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Title: Linking knowledge and industry needs through problem-based learning in power electronics course
Authors: Hussain, I.S.
Jaafar, S.
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: This paper presents the experiences gained from the introduction of Problem-based learning (PBL) in Power Electronics course at the Universiti Tenaga Nasional (Uniten), Malaysia. Power Electronics is a fast developing technology within the electrical engineering field. To cope with the advances industrial practices need to be integrated in the theoretical knowledge. This work combined traditional lecture method with PBL method, a student-based learning activities, to address this problem. Based on three years data, it can be concluded that the PBL approach adopted has successfully increased the students understanding of the course. This is measured by significant reduction of students obtained grade E from about 40 percent to lower than 10 percent. © 2016 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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