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Title: Interface design for young dyslexics: A survey on visual representation
Authors: Ismail, R.
Jaafar, A.
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: The use of information and communication technology in learning is an essential part of the National Curriculum in Malaysia. Dyslexic children exhibit different skills and motivations. They dislike reading and find reading to be a painful activity. This paper presents an exploration of the visual representation used by dyslexic children in learning Bahasa Melayu. Visual representations, such as the use of icons and images, in interface design are remembered easily and enhance the level of concentration and experience in learning. The experiment used an educational multimedia courseware to investigate how dyslexic children react towards the use of icons and images. This study involved 12 dyslexic children in a primary school in Malaysia. Findings from the experiment were examined to understand how children with dyslexia perceive visual representations. The findings will help designers to carefully design and choose icons and images that can easily be interpreted by these children. Well designed icons and images allow dyslexic children to recognise the meaning of those visual representations without the need of additional support. © 2015 Penerbit UTM Press. All rights reserved.
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