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Title: Analysis of real-time multiple source video streaming via wireless 5.8 GHz for intelligent traffic management system
Authors: Baskaran, V.M.
Tiong, S.K.
Jamaludin, M.Z.
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: This paper evaluates the performance of live compressed motion image transmission in coherence with the development of the Multiple Video Streaming and Compression (Multiple-VSCS) software, as applied for the Intelligent Traffic Management system. Motion Images of multiple sources are captured, jointly compressed and streamed real time via utilization of the 5.8 GHz OFDM Outdoor Wireless LAN network. Experiments were performed and analyzed to ascertain the reliability and potency of this application with improved bitstream rates as low as 50kbps and compression ratio rates as high as 1800:1, under various compression parameters settings as well as different video formats. This paper also includes performance analysis of video stream rates with comparison into varying compression formats and Quantization Factors retrospective to Quality of Service (QoS). Projections were also performed as behavioral study on the effects of the available bandwidth with increased video capture sources and streaming processes. © 2005 IEEE.
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