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Title: Knowledge management strategy, eco-innovation and corporate sustainability performance
Authors: Daud, S.
Jekria, N.
Hassan, H.
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Climate change and global warming are significant challenges not only for country but also for organization. Organizations are facing growing pressure to become greener or more environmentally friendly. Organizations need to review their production process as a result of pressure from consumers and government. They need to apply the concept of sustainable development in their policies and plans. The objective of this paper is to review past researches in the area of knowledge management, eco-innovation and corporate sustainability performance. Findings from past literatures propose a framework for organizations to implement their business operation by employing knowledge management strategy to enhance their eco-innovation process in achieving corporate sustainability performance. Through implementing this framework, organizations' operations are in line with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) initiatives towards fostering sustainable environment.
Appears in Collections:COBA Scholarly Publication

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